Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tomorrow we leave on vacation

We plan to leave at around 7:30 tomorrow morning and my first destination on the GPS is Charleston (West Virginia) it's about 1200 km from us so we will se if we manage to drive all the way there, but according to the GPS it will only take 9 hours so I think that we will make it. With stops and everything accounted for, I think that we will be there around 8 tomorow evening. From thereon we'll pass through a national forrest on Thursday morning and continue to Washington we should be there on Thursday afternoon.

The whole trip is outlined below and is according to Google maps 4641 km


  1. Hallå,

    Det här var ju toppen. Ska bli jättekul att följa er resa. Kör försiktigt.

    Kram big time från Ulrika

  2. Vi tycker också att det skall bli intressant och roligt att följa eran resa.Det blir många mil men ni kan ju turas om du och Sandra. Vi instämmer med Ulrika kör försiktigt.
    En trevlig resa önskar vi
    Farmor o Farfar
