Friday, January 22, 2010

Leving Lansing for the weekend

It's time to fly home for the weekend and see the family. Will be back
here on Sunday afternoon and drive down to Columbia, Ohio.

The week has went fine, on Tuesday we set up the VMS and Derek came
over to help us out. We worked unil midnight that day and we sti had
some error messages that we needed to sort out on Wednesday morning
before the inspectors came out. The inspection went pretty good, it
took about six hours and they only had a couple of small concerns.
Nothing to serious and I think we will be able to sort those out.
Yesterday we had around 5 potential customer coming to the dealership
looking at the machine and Russ and I gave them as much information as
we could. This morning we have been strapping the VMS to the trailer
again. However we didn't manage to finish the packing so we will have
to do that on Sunday.

When I get back home we'll go to Red Lobster for dinner. Well I'll
continue the updating on Sunday, have a nice weekend.


  1. Önskar er själva en trevlig helg, joba inte i hjäl dig bara.



  2. Hej Jonas.
    Även Lillan och jag följer Dina öden och äventyr.
    Det är roligt Att det Verkar gå bra för Dig.
    Tänk Att kärlek till kor kan Föra så langt.
    Jag hoppas Att Du Kikar i min blogg emellanåt
    Lillan hälsar till dig och Liksom hela familjen jag själv.
    Lycka till i fortsättningen
